The 2023 collection is almost ready to be released into the world. I’m so excited, and so proud that I’ve brought my vision to life! I love what’s coming out and can’t wait to share it with you.
All that hard work in designing, planning and production and the collection is finally ready. I’ve even already had stores buy the collection ready for retail. And yet…
That pesky voice of self-doubt - it sure does like to pick its moments.
“Is it just my imagination that the collection is good? Do these colour combinations really work? Does the print convey my intention?”
And then when the voice decides to get ornery my life choices might also get called into question! “Who do you think you are? Why didn’t you just stick with accounting? (Oh yes, it likes to remember that I used to be an accountant!), Maybe you should just call the living your dream thing whole thing off!” 🤣
Do raise your hand if you can sympathize.
Self-doubt, in our work, in our personal lives, in our choices, in how we look, is without a doubt, the killer of a million dreams. And I refuse to bow to its dictates.

I love creating and sharing my creations through Isy B. and I believe that my work delights and brings beauty and enjoyment. That's what keeps me going even when things get challenging around here. I’m particularly excited about this collection but I’m only human, so when the voice of self-doubt rears its head, this is how I’m taming it:
By being aware of what’s happening, I’ve learned to name it for what it is when it comes up. that it’s a moment by moment practice
A change of scenery
I go and do something else; preferably something I love – the risk of trying to change anything when I am in this state is that I make a drastic change to the collection which I later regret when sanity returns.
The Voice of Reason
To list the reasons why this other often annoying voice could possibly be wrong about what it’s saying. Sometimes I can also even find the comedy in it.
Pacing myself
Slowing down and moving forward more slowly where I can – reducing my focus to one thing at a time.
To lift my own energy. Those endorphins do a body the world of good.
Sunshine People
Being around people whose energy uplifts me is amazing medicine. I love this quote I was sent, but sadly don’t know who it’s by; “The friends that leave you feeling more alive after you’re with them are magic in human form.”
Get Perspective
Talk to someone I trust about how I’m feeling.
Hold the Vision
Write in my journal, and also importantly, go back and read my journals to remember how much I enjoyed the process, and remind myself of my vision at the start.
Supporting Others
Take the focus off myself and look around me to see what I might be able to do to support others, and pay it all forward.
Keeping the Faith
And as always finding ways to encourage myself gently and believe in myself.
Did I already say I’m super excited about the new collection? Because I am. Very much so! I hope you are too.

Inspirational quote – The Aha Moment of the month!
“The one thing you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and live as only you can." – Neil Gaiman
What I’m Reading:
Reading? Who has time to read this month?! I have a collection to launch!
Seriously though, I’ve dipped into Wild Power a few times this month whenever I've needed a reset.
What I’m Listening To - My Digging Deep Playlist
Lauren Daigle – You Say – A contribution from Debora – a wise woman and a beautiful long time Isy B. supporter after reading the blog last month. Definitely added to my inspirational playlist. Thank you Debora!
Fantasia – I believe – The American Idol moment is epic girl power stuff. I’m not even sure it’s possible to listen to it without getting goosebumps, and maybe shedding a tear or two.
Can’t Hold Us feat. Ray Dalton – Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - I'm dancing in the studio as I type this. Impossible not to feel like all kinds of champion!
Good as Hell - Lizzo - Instant feel good vibes with attitude.
BYU Noteworthy – When you believe - Okay, yes, I know it’s from the soundtrack from an animated children’s movie (Prince of Egypt) but what a song!
Please feel free to share your thoughts with me after reading the blogs. I always love to hear from my peeps, and I will share with the group. Your thoughts, ideas, suggestions are valuable and we can always learn from each other’s wisdom.
Mark your calendars for the new collection launch date 1st December 2022 my friends.
Until then, stay beautiful!
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